office@yourwaytreeserviceinc.comFREE ESTIMATES (818) 882-2335 CLSB Lic.: 937069 isa black

100% Green Waste Recycling

If all of the green waste created in the United States over the course of one year was recycled, we as a nation could remove approximately 23% of our current landfill mass. Confirming that the green waste that’s being removed from your yard is recycled can help attribute positively to the community in a number of different ways. By conserving landfill’s rapidly dwindling space you can help conserve the water that’s used to flush methane, a byproduct of decomposing trees that also happens to be both difficult and costly to remove. In addition, recycling your yards green waste properly is guaranteed to improve soil health, resulting in helping plants grow more vigorously.

Do You Know Where Your Green Waste Is Going?

Do you know where the debris from your yard or garden is placed after its removal? Unfortunately, most tree service companies in the United States are dumped in landfills. Fortunately, more and more tree service company’s are adopting environmentally conscious practices, effectively reducing carbon footprints for the betterment of everyone. For example, after collecting all of the green waste produced after servicing an area, we take the time to ensure that every possible measure is taken to preserve our planet by recycling 100% of our waste.

However, here at “Your Way Tree Service Inc.” we’re looking to the future and can 100% guarantee that every last bit of green waste produced by our company are recycled.

100% Green Waste Recycling

“Your Way Tree Service Inc.” was established with and continues to operate today with a strong sense of respect and appreciation for mother earth. We take pride in running a company with a strong focus on green practices for the good of the community. In turn, we strive to minimize any negative effect that our practices may have on the environment, both locally and globally. If you’re in the market for any sort of tree related service, we stress that you too take it upon yourself to live green.

Get Your Free Estimate

If you’re unsure whether or not the tree service company that currently serves you employs Green Waste Recycling practices please call us at 818.882.2335 or email us at In addition to our complementary consultation services, we guarantee that all of our practices are 100% green. Between our highly trained staff’s experience and up-to-date equipment we’re capable offering the most efficient and safest lot clearing services in the market today. We’re looking forward to helping you transform your yard into the oasis you’ve always desired, with a touch of green!

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